During the current pandemic, Powell House is facilitating a series of virtual workshops on a donate-as-led basis.
On Saturday morning, April 18th, they will present “Introduction to Faithfulness Groups” with Marcelle Martin from 10:00am-12:00pm. For additional information and to register, visit the Powell House website.
Faithfulness Groups are small groups that provide mutual support and clearness in living a faithful life and following leadings over time. In this online workshop we’ll learn about the format, practice some skills, and hear stories about how such groups adapt and evolve. Participants will also have the opportunity in small groups to share and receive help in discernment about how you’re currently being called to faithfulness. Ongoing Faithfulness Groups can be a crucial support for Friends seeking to find holy accompaniment, spiritual grounding, and mutual accountability for faithful service, witness, and ministry in these challenging times.
Marcelle Martin, author of Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey, is a member of Swarthmore Meeting. She has led workshops at retreat centers and Quaker meetings across the United States. She was the resident Quaker Studies teacher at Pendle Hill for four years and is a core teacher for the 9-month program, "Nurturing Faithfulness." On her blog, A Whole Heart, she shares inspiration to help us be all God has created us to be. Her new book is A Guide to Faithfulness Groups.She lives in Chester, PA with her husband, Terry.