Game plan for health and wellness

I recently read a friend’s Facebook post, outlining that we are on the verge of oligarchic collapse. They mentioned their anxiety. I identify completely, but I really can’t go down that particular doom hole. I too struggle with anxiety, but I can’t let myself get sick. That won’t help anyone, not to mention, nursing homes and healthcare are getting worse and worse, and some are absolute disasters.  

This is the game plan:

1. Take care of our health — mentally, physically and spiritually. Now might be the time to begin meditating, but also, changing to a healthier plant-based diet — especially with the slashing of food safety measures. Adopt a yoga practice. Strength train. None of us should think Medicare or Medicaid will be untouched. Stay healthy and independent as long as we can.

2. Develop and strengthen community ties. Find a spiritual community we have commonality with. Get to know our neighbors, check in on friends. It may soon be that all we have is each other. Get involved in volunteering. It takes our minds off the chaos, and helps others.

3. Tend a garden, and share with friends and neighbors. Nature is its own anti-depressant, plus, when we grow veggies, we eat better. When we grow flowers we create beauty.

4. Limit news, but do get involved politically. Get back to writing post cards, making calls, donating and demonstrating when possible. This helps us to feel less powerless, and creates movements that make a difference.

5. Get happy. This is a giant inscrutable universe, and we are but grains of sand. Who knows what the future holds? We can affect change on the micro level, but virtually nothing in the big picture, so we might as well relax and take joy in individual moments.

Let’s shine our love and light! Now is really all we have.