From Gustavo Cordoba, our Friend in Columbia:
I am sharing with you a little part of the Q'ero's wisdom. They are regarded as the last living Incas, who survived for more than 450 years, hidden from the western invaders by living at an elevation of 16,000 feet until the 1950s.
Everything is sacred, everything is part of the living universe, the Kawsay Pacha. There is no difference or distinction between the spiritual and the physical. The Cosmos is living energy that feels and pulsates, everything that exists has the same essence. The Pachamama is living energy that permeates the entire universe.
Human beings have the potential to evolve our consciousness and develop our physical and emotional potential, spiritual, and mental. There is a divine potential in every human being.
From Wisdom of the Q’ero people
the last living Incas, Peru
I found such a wisdom very close to our Quaker views.
Your Friend,