Farmington Scipio Regional Meeting's Winter Gathering will be held on Saturday, January 25th at the Rochester Mennonite Fellowship at 111 Hillside Ave in Rochester, NY 14610.
Schedule for the day:
9am Arrivals / bagels and coffee etc available
10am Program -- see below for description
12 noon Lunch -- soups and table service provided; bring whatever more you need
1pm FSRM business meeting
4pm Departures
Childcare is provided! Please come! The program and business meeting will be offered on zoom as well.
Register here. Register if you are attending in-person or online. Everyone who registers will receive the zoom link (in case weather prevents your attending in-person).
Morning program:
Prison Ministry has been a significant part of Quakerism through time. The morning program will explore prison ministry and the power of art to transform through viewing portraits of several famous Quakers painted by Corey Devon Arthur, who is incarcerated and a convinced Quaker. We will view the paintings, share biographies of the subjects, and participate in a guided discussion using prompts developed by Judy Meikle, NYYM’s Aging Resources Consultation and Help Prison Coordinator. The program will provide an opportunity to learn more about Quaker history and Quaker Prison Ministry, and the artist’s perspective on his subjects.
Tom Wright, Buffalo Meeting and Anthony Salem, Rochester Meeting will speak about their experience of worship inside prison. Jill McLellan will moderate.
We are looking forward to being together!
FSRM Gathering Committee
Shirley Way, Michael Tritto, Jill McLellan, Ginny Riordan, Nadine Hoover, Kathy Slattery, Lu Harper, Hannah Richter, Jeff Barr, Lyle Jenks