Farmington Scipio Regional Meeting, a collective of Quaker Meetings and Churches in the western part of New York, will hold Spring Gathering June 2-4.
There will be two parts of our Spring Gathering this year.
We will be gathering in person at Watson Homestead (Painted Post, NY) Friday evening through Sunday morning. We will then gather again at 4:00-6:00 Sunday afternoon for Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, June 4, via Zoom. This will allow enough time for Friends to return home, and will allow participation by Friends who were not able to attend in person. There will not be a hybrid portion of the weekend.
Our theme for this year is Restoring Our Friendships. We envision time for renewal, recreation, and listening for Spirit together as we meet in person for the first time since 2019. All are welcome and we especially would enjoy hearing young voices laughing and all of us singing around the campfire! We hope it is a time of making new connections and reconnection with dear friends.
As in years past, Spring Gathering weekend costs will be pay-as-led. We recognize that families may feel the burden of registration costs, and we long to have young families with us again. We encourage you to participate. No one will be turned away for financial reasons.
It would be helpful for you to register soon for our planning purposes, and no later than Monday, May 8. We would love to have a group of children/teens! If youth will be coming with you, registering as soon as possible will help us plan a youth program where children of every age feel included.
Here is the link to register. You only need to register if you will be going to Watson Homestead in person (whether just for one day, or the whole weekend).