To prepare for discerning what charities we want to donate to as a Meeting, we need to delve into what organizations are doing, and how they align with our Quaker values. To that end the Co-clerks ask you if you would volunteer to be a liaison with a specific charity to look into their recent work and be able to report in a minute or two to the Meeting when we gather to discern who Spirit is leading us to support for the coming year. We will have an Ad Hoc Finance Meeting on February 27th to take up this topic. Here is an incomplete list of organizations we will consider:
American Friends Service Committee
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Jericho Road Community Center
Congo for Christ Center
AVP New York
Friends Center for Racial Justice
Bolivian Quaker Education Fund
Asia Pacific Friends Peace Teams
Network of Religious Communities
Western New York Peace Center
Housing Opportunities Made Equal (H.O.M.E.)
Quaker Religious Education Collaborative
VOICE Buffalo
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
Peruvian Outreach Project
We need one person for each organization to serve as liaison to familiarize him/her/themself with the recent works of an organization. Please email Mike Tritto at to volunteer to represent a specific charity by February 20.