During the current pandemic, Powell House is facilitating a series of virtual workshops on a donate-as-led basis.
On the weekend of April 24th-April 26th, they are hosting “An Invitation to Sacred Silence” with Mary Kay Glazer. Powell House requests a minimum donation of $75 for this weekend retreat. For additional information and to register, please visit the Powell House website.
We invite you into a welcoming space of sacred silence, a sacred space that we will create together across the miles and through the ether. A sacred space needed now more than ever.
Perhaps you are feeling a Divine nudge or invitation? These days of spacious silence, interspersed with opportunities for Zoom video conference connection with others, are for you to pray, reflect, rejuvenate, and rest. It can be a time of stepping into a rhythm that opens you in new ways to God’s presence in your life and God’s invitations to you – even in this time of upheaval. Although worldwide we are now practicing physical distancing, in this retreat time we will practice and, with grace, experience, social and spiritual connection. Given our upended rhythms of life, you may think this time is not possible for you right now. We hope you will feel free to step into this retreat just as you are. There will be written material that will help you honor the retreat while at the same time tending to the needs at home.
There will be some light structure to our days. We will meet several times a day for Quaker worship and structured prayer. You will also have a time to meet with Mary Kay in spiritual direction – an opportunity to reflect on what is arising for you during the time of retreat. The sacred silence and the slower rhythm are gifts to be opened to. We hope you will join us. Your gift awaits.
Mary Kay Glazer is a gifted and credentialed spiritual director, retreat leader, Life-Cycle Celebrant and writer. She is experienced in this setting. She has a passion for spiritual formation and the many ways we are formed by that which is Holy for the good of all. Mary Kay lives in Greenville, NC, with her husband and worships with Greenville Friends - NCYM Conservative. Learn more at www.mkglazer.com. Joe Garren will serve as elder for this retreat.