Instead of meeting in person, we will meet for an online Meeting for Worship via Zoom starting at 10:30 AM. Unprogrammed worship will take place for the first 40 minutes. After that we will have a 20-minute period to discuss the query, “How do we adapt to this temporary situation?” One of the things we’ll discuss is how New York Yearly Meeting, of which we are a member, is creating pods of communities to retain the connections that we cherish as a faith group.
Please note that the Network of Religious Communities has announced that due to COVID-19, all public meetings in the building are suspended as of Monday, March 16th until further notice. This means we will be meeting via Zoom each First Day (Sunday) for the foreseeable future.
Connection information to the meeting was included in an email announcements sent on Friday evening. If you did not receive this announcement but would like to participate, please use this form and we will contact you with our meeting guidelines and the technical details needed to connect.