An Invitation to Listen, Talk and Imagine a Vision for the Future of our Quaker Region
Facilitated by Angela Hopkins
Near Dundee, NY (specific sites depend on size of group)
Friday Oct. 26 (4pm on) to Saturday Oct. 27 (4pm)
Overnight accommodation available; option—come for Saturday only.
We seek to intentionally bring people together to talk about our hopes and aspirations and to prepare for the challenges and opportunities facing our Meetings and Worship Groups right now, and into the near future (5 years). If we come together in worship and respectful dialogue, disciplined by active listening to one another, we can begin to put our energy into a vision guiding us forward, rather than expending energy on maintaining an unsustainable status quo.
This is an invitation to step outside the realm of problem-solving around issues of aging and shrinking meetings to spaciousness and openness; to where Spirit is leading. Affirming that we are a people of hope, let’s look to where we see life, and growing edges, and build on our strengths. And let’s also be mindful of who our personal vision might be overlooking. Who shall we invite to our table?